
👋 Hello!
This is Zack's page.

So.. a bit about me. 💭

I study computer science part-time and am working full-time as a systems developer, mainly working with C#, SQL, and Azure.

I began my programming journey using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

I have worked as an intern writing software applications at 3M in Aberdeen, SD from March 2022 - March 2023. I interned for VT Industries from May 2023 - August 2023. 💻

I am currently working as a systems-developer for the SDBIT. I work with C# .NET, SQL, and Azure often. August 2023 - Present 👨‍💻

These are some of my class projects/data structures.


< Linked List />


< Binary Search Tree />


< Symbol Table />

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